B2B Competitor Analysis

Published on October 12, 2023 by Sawyer Middeleer

B2B Competitor Analysis

In the modern business world, the art of competitor analysis has never been more critical. As companies in the B2B space navigate an ecosystem brimming with competitive offerings, understanding the landscape is paramount — not just to survive, but to thrive. It is no longer sufficient to simply know who your competitors are; companies must engage in comprehensive analysis to unveil insight into competitors' strategies, hone their own competitive edge, and maintain relevance in evolving markets.

This profound analysis encompasses a systematic approach to dissecting every facet of the competition's operations, strategies, and performance. Let's examine the blueprint to conduct a meticulous B2B competitor analysis in today’s landscape.

Understanding B2B Competitor Analysis

Competitor analysis in the B2B domain involves comparing your business against other companies in similar markets to gauge where you stand in terms of market share, product features, pricing, customer perception, marketing strategies, and more. Unlike B2C, where product features and brand image might be paramount, B2B analysis requires a granular look at service efficiency, long-term customer value, and depth of business relationships.

This process is not about emulating what others are doing but rather identifying opportunities and vulnerabilities within your market that can shape your strategy. The goal is to inform decision-making across product development, marketing, pricing, sales strategies, and potentially partnerships or acquisition targets.

Conducting Extensive Competitor Analysis: A Strategic Walkthrough

Step 1: Identify Your Competitors

First and foremost, establish who your competitors are. In B2B markets, this can include direct competitors who offer similar products or services, indirect competitors who offer alternatives, and potential future competitors.

Direct competitors are companies that serve the same target market with similar products or services. They are often the most scrutinized group in competitor analysis.

Indirect competitors are those who provide different products or solutions that solve the same problem or satisfy the same need. They can often be overlooked but understanding them is pivotal as they can easily pivot into your space.

Future competitors include any entrants to the market who may not be a threat now, but have the potential to become one. This can be harder to gauge, but keeping an eye on startups, technological innovations, and market trends can provide indicators.

Step 2: Gather Competitive Intelligence

The next step involves collecting data. Leverage various methods and tools to gather vast amounts of information, from company websites, annual reports, and press releases, to third-party research reports, customer reviews, and social media. Tools like SEMrush for digital marketing analysis, Owler for company data, and Crayon for market trends can streamline this process.

This information needs to be organized by relevant categories, such as marketing strategies, pricing models, product features, customer service, sales tactics, and market positioning.

Step 3: Analyze Market Position and Share

Understanding your competitors' market position involves looking at their share of the market, growth trajectory, and the segments within which they are strong. Market share can provide valuable insights into which competitors are leading and which may be more vulnerable.

Here, it is essential to look beyond just current share — analyze growth rates, trends over time, and any market forecasts.

Step 4: Assess Competitors’ Strengths and Weaknesses

Armed with plentiful data, analyze each competitor's strengths and weaknesses. How do their products or services stack up against yours? Are there noticeable gaps in their offerings that you can exploit? Or do they have a stronghold in areas where you are weaker?

SWOT analysis is often utilized at this stage, focusing on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Understanding these areas can help refine your competitive strategy and value proposition.

Step 5: Dive into Pricing and Sales Strategies

Pricing strategies can drastically differ between B2B companies. A comprehensive analysis will uncover not just the prices but the reasoning behind pricing structures. Additionally, evaluate the sales strategies. How are competitors reaching and converting their customers? What channels are they using? What kind of sales enablement tools and materials do they employ?

Step 6: Analyze the Product Feature Set

One of the most critical aspects to consider is the feature set of your competitors' products and how that aligns with customer needs. Look for patterns in customer feedback to identify what is liked and disliked about competitors' products.

Step 7: Evaluate Marketing Approaches

Understanding the ins and outs of competitors' marketing efforts can provide a holistic view of how they communicate, position themselves, and what kind of brand image they project. Analyze their content, SEO strategies, paid advertising, events, and public relations efforts.

Step 8: Review Customer Retention and Success Strategies

Ultimately, B2B is about long-term relationships. Investigate competitors' customer success models. How do they onboard, support, and retain customers? How do they encourage upsells or cross-sells?

Step 9: Foresee Potential Moves

Predicting competitors' next moves by analyzing their current activities and market signals is invaluable. Look into their research and development efforts, patent filings, job postings, strategic partnerships, and investment in marketing or production.

Step 10: Regularly Refresh Your Analysis

In the rapidly evolving business world, staying current is indispensable. Make competitor analysis an ongoing process, incorporating new data as it becomes available to stay ahead of the curve.


Meticulous B2B competitor analysis is the cornerstone of a robust business strategy. By understanding not only what your competitors are doing today but forecasting where they are heading, you can anticipate market shifts, cater to unmet customer needs, and differentiate your offerings. This analysis should not be a one-off exercise — it requires continuous monitoring and reevaluation to stay relevant and competitive.

As we have outlined in this deep dive, the layers of competitor analysis are intricate and complex. For B2B companies looking to outmaneuver competition and pave a path to market leadership, leveraging tools like Aomni can streamline the process and provide actionable insights, allowing businesses to focus less on data collection and more on strategy execution.

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