Choose the plan that's right for you

Pay as you go with zero commitment or subscribe monthly for better value, integrations and advanced AI features.

Pay as you go
Try Aomni with zero commitment or top-up your credit balance

AI Account research

AI Account plans

Custom views

Sequence generation

AI chat

Credits never expire

Pro subscription
For teams with consistent pipeline and sales volume

Everything in Pay as you go

Email integration

Website lead tracking

Autopilot sequences

Unused credits expire at the end of each month

Enterprise plan
Custom solution for large organizations with unique needs

Everything in Pro subscription

Annual pricing

Tailored onboarding

Priority support

How are credits used?

AI Account Plan

5 credits / account

AI Research

1 credit / report

Autopilot Leads

1 credit / 5 leads

AI Chat

1 credit / 10 messages

How many credits do I need?

Account Plans

Most sellers need 50 credits for every 7-8 accounts in their active pipeline. If a seller works 15 new accounts per month, they will probably use around 100 credits.

Have more questions about pricing?