Beyond ChatGPT - Better AI Tools for B2B Sales

Published on December 18, 2023 by Sawyer Middeleer

Beyond ChatGPT

ChatGPT has ignited excitement in the GTM community about how AI can modernize sales workflows and software builders have taken notice. There are hundreds of AI tools for sales on the market today, many of which were launched in the last 12 months. This explosion of new solutions begs the question - how is a sales leader to know which products are all hype and which are the real deal?

We live and breathe sales and AI at Aomni. As founders and former sales leaders ourselves, we understand the pain points like inefficient prospecting, repetitive admin work, and slow rep ramping that drain time.

After evaluating hundreds of AI products for sales, we share favorites that have impressed us the most. We actually use many of these in our own day-to-day work. Our hands-on experience means we can cut through the noise to spotlight platforms that actually move the needle for B2B sales and revenue organizations.

Read on for our top AI picks to level up your sales stack. We're confident these will fast-track your team's productivity just as they have for us. Here are some of our favorites, broken down by category:

Sales Engagement

The next generation of sales engagement software employs language models (LLMs) to enrich prospect data, draft personalized outreach, and suggest sales activities. These tools drive efficiency and results through AI personalization, algorithm recommendations and process automation.

AI engages prospects across platforms from LinkedIn to email, optimizing pipeline KPIs. For example, many top solutions use prospect details from data enrichment software and LLMs to craft customized cold emails at scale. Cutting-edge platforms even employ AI agents to independently research prospects and weave insights into ultra-relevant messaging.

Our top choices:

  • Luna – Luna is an innovative software application that leverages AI to automatically identify and recommend new, relevant leads on a daily basis. The platform then sends personalized outreach emails to those high-potential prospects, ensuring they receive tailored messaging rather than generic spam. This saves reps time on lead research while increasing connect rates through one-to-one email personalization powered by AI.

  • Ubique – Ubique uses AI-generated video messaging to boost prospect engagement and sales conversations. Their standout technology clones a rep's voice and face from a single recording to efficiently create personalized, lifelike video messages at scale. This uniqueness helps increase video open rates and prospect replies by making outreach feel like a customized 1:1 video tailored just for them.

  • Lemlist – Lemlist's Chrome extension lets you easily capture individual contacts or full lists and import them into campaigns. It then creates personalized outreach leveraging each prospect's information. The platform automatically builds tailored, high-quality sequences aligned to your offering and ideal customer profile. This includes customized icebreakers, pitches, CTAs, and more to grab attention and build trust. Lead info informs dynamic outreach that resonates.

Sales Data Sources

Data is the fuel that any effective sales motion runs on. With deals becoming increasingly competitive in today’s economic environment, high-quality data is an asset that sets winning sales teams apart from the pack. Sales and GTM organizations utilize multiple types of data in their workflows to optimize their pipelines. Some of the most commonly used data types include:

  • Contact data – All good outbound sales teams rely on correct and up-to-date email addresses and phone numbers to save SDRs and BDRs time searching for contact data and reaching out to stale contacts.
  • Buyer intent data – Advanced B2B sellers don’t want to waste time reaching out to anyone and everyone. Intent data – insights about who at your prospect company is visiting your website, which articles they’ve read and more – enable sales teams to target the right person with the right message at the right time.
  • Scraped web data – Web scraping technology combs through the internet to uncover these valuable prospect details that would otherwise be hard to find. By aggregating and synthesizing scraped web data, platforms like Aomni reveal crucial business insights to inform sales targeting and messaging. This enables reps to reference specific prospect initiatives or challenges in outreach for greater relevance.

Our top choices:

  • Clay(Best overall) – Clay instantly aggregates prospect data from over 50 sources to build comprehensive lead profiles in seconds. The platform pulls key details like job title, company size, and industry to help sellers personalize outreach content that speaks to each prospect's specific role, interests, and needs. This level of personalization and context drives more effective email messaging at scale.
  • Apollo(Best for contact data) – With a database of 265+ million contacts, Apollo powers companies to identify and connect with their best-fit buyers. The platform enriches contact data using AI to pinpoint high-potential leads and smooth outreach workflows. While some data providers may boast marginally better email accuracy, Apollo stands out for its robust automation capabilities and deep integrations that optimize the entire outreach process. No other solution offers the complete end-to-end suite of lead engagement tools that Apollo does.
  • PhantomBuster(Best for LinkedIn data) – PhantomBuster is an automated LinkedIn growth tool optimized to help sellers at small and medium B2B companies. It enriches prospect data and automates outreach workflows on LinkedIn and beyond. Key features like exporting LinkedIn profile data, identifying prospects, scraping profiles, and enabling automated messaging empower lean teams to scale their social selling and outbound efforts.
  • Aomni(Best for unstructured data) – Aomni aggregates data from across the web to instantly generate comprehensive company research reports with one click. Our in-house AI model is an expert in B2B sales and is trained on your unique sales collateral and playbooks to provide tailored insights. Aomni’ AI researches your accounts, collects data into concise reports and uses its knowledge to provide strategic selling recommendations.

Account Planning

For B2B startups, account planning enables you to craft tailored messaging, uncover expansion potential, and build executive relationships to accelerate sales cycles. It shifts the mindset from opportunistically chasing deals to forging long-term, trusted relationships. The goal is to become a valuable partner to your customers by deeply understanding their business, challenges, and goals.

If this sounds like a lot of work, it’s because it is. At least, without the help of AI. Most strategic sales professionals spend anywhere from 6 hours to a day planning each account in their pipeline. A new crop of companies is building advanced LLM-based products that aim to cut this time by at least 80%, dramatically increasing the productivity of enterprise sales teams.

Our top choices:

  • Aomni - Our platform saves startup and enterprise sales teams 7+ hours per rep weekly on account planning while accelerating new hire ramp time and overall team results. Unlike most AI sales tools that emphasize shallow personalization and automated outbound messaging, Aomni uses LLMs to support higher value strategic sales motions where cross-functional account planning is critical to develop new opportunities.
  • Databook - Built for large enterprises selling to public companies, Databook analyzes over 2 million corporate disclosures to uncover strategic needs for thousands of enterprises globally. The platform eliminates tedious prospect research so reps gain visibility into each account's potential. This enables more effective outreach, collateral building, and meeting preparation.

Conversation Intelligence

Getting a meeting is only half the battle for revenue organizations. Once a discovery call is booked, you need to show up prepared to demonstrate to your buyer that they can rely on you to deliver results for their business. This means using face-to-face interactions as an opportunity to build rapport, credibility and trust.

Until recently, the data in these critical interactions was siloed within static call notes. Now with AI, there’s a better way to glean insights from sales conversations, identify trends across opportunities, and automate the more tedious aspects of notetaking. There are a lot of AI meeting recording tools on the market, but these are the only two that truly impressed us.

Our top choices:

  • Sybill – Sybill leverages AI to comprehend sales calls and automatically generate CRM updates, follow-up emails, and detailed call summaries. These notes and insights are seamlessly logged in your CRM and shared via Slack, ensuring teamwide visibility into customer conversations. This eliminates manual note-taking while capturing key details with accuracy.
  • Chorus (Zoominfo) – Chorus empowers sales teams to record and analyze all customer interactions across calls, meetings, and email. This visibility drives process improvements, uncovers winning behaviors, and boosts revenue. By spotlighting top rep best practices around skills like discovery and objection handling, Chorus helps managers refine training to shorten new hire ramp times, increase methodology adoption, and accelerate team performance.

Onboarding & Coaching

As sales leaders know all too well, training and coaching sales reps is a slow and expensive process. This is doubly true at startups, where underperforming sales reps can hurt a company’s chance of success. It’s no surprise that organizations are investing in AI technology to assist with these jobs.

AI is increasingly being used by sales organizations to scale up managers' capabilities for training and coaching. For example, AI-powered sales coaching platforms can provide personalized guidance and feedback to reps based on analysis of their actual sales conversations and pipeline data. These systems point out gaps versus best practices and nudge reps to make small improvements over time.

Our top choices:

  • Aviso - Aviso strives to be the all-in-one "single pane of glass" for conversation intelligence, forecasting, pipeline insights, and go-to-market collaboration. Their unified platform replaces disjointed point solutions so sales leaders gain complete visibility. By surfacing winning sales plays and propagating them across the team, Aviso empowers managers to amplify skills and turn every rep into a superstar.
  • Lavender - Lavender leverages AI as the top sales email coaching tool. Their product provides real-time suggestions to optimize messaging and boost positive response rates. By combining Grammarly-like writing enhancements with sales-specific guidance, Lavender helps SDRs, AEs, and managers globally craft emails that generate more meetings and opportunities. Just like having an expert coach peering over your shoulder as you compose emails.
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